1 | #!/usr/bin/env ruby
2 | #
3 | # Author: Norbert Wigbels - foobla.wigbels.de/uber-foobla
4 | #
5 | # HotColdRain continously reads output of USB-WDE1
6 | # and pushes data to mosquitto-db
7 | #
8 | # todos:
9 | #
10 |
11 | #------------------------------------------
12 | # Tainted mode 0-4
13 | $SAFE=0
14 |
15 |
16 | #------------------------------------------
17 | require 'logger'
18 | require 'serialport'
19 | require 'mqtt'
20 |
21 | #------------------------------------------
22 | class HotColdRain < Logger::Application
23 | attr_accessor :temp1, :humidity1, :serialport, :mypath
24 |
25 | def initialize(application_name)
26 | super(application_name)
27 | @serialport = SerialPort.new("/dev/ttyUSB0", 9600, 8, 1, SerialPort::NONE)
28 | @mypath = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
29 | end
30 |
31 | def logOutReadableData(datagrams)
32 | puts "TemperaturUnten: " + datagrams[3]
33 | puts "LuftfeuchtigkeitUnten: " + datagrams[11]
34 | puts
35 | puts "TemperaturOben: " + datagrams[4]
36 | puts "LuftfeuchtigkeitOben: " + datagrams[12]
37 | puts
38 | puts "TemperaturAussen: " + datagrams[19]
39 | puts "LuftfeuchtigkeitAussen: " + datagrams[20]
40 | puts "Windgeschwindigkeit km/h: " + datagrams[21]
41 | puts "Niederschlag: " + datagrams[22]
42 | puts "Regen ja/nein: " + datagrams[23]
43 | puts "---------------------"
44 | end
45 |
46 | def run
47 | begin
48 | while true do
49 | openformat = @serialport.readline
50 | #openformat = "$1;1;;21,3;20,0;;;;;;;50;55;;;;;;;4,9;74;3,0;6;0;0"
51 | datagrams = openformat.split(';')
52 |
53 | logOutReadableData(datagrams)
54 |
55 | # $1;1;;21,3;20,0;;;;;;;50;55;;;;;;;4,9;74;3,0;6;0;0
56 | # extract only data
57 | # then replace empty data with U
58 | # then localize float value
59 | # finally prepare updatestring for rrdtool
60 | datagrams = datagrams.values_at(3..23)
61 | datagrams.collect! { |element| (element.empty?) ? "U" : element }
62 | datagrams.collect! { |element| (element.include? ',') ? element.sub!(',','.') : element }
63 | rrddata = 'N:'+datagrams.join(':')
64 |
65 | system("rrdtool update #{mypath}/weather.rrd #{rrddata}")
66 |
67 | MQTT::Client.connect('mqtt://notwist:pixies@wigbels.net') do |c|
68 | c.publish('oben/temperatur', datagrams[0])
69 | end
70 | #log(INFO, 'added 100 liter of gas to sensor-database')
71 | end
72 | @serialport.close
73 | rescue => msg
74 | log(ERROR, "error: #{msg}")
75 | retry
76 | ensure
77 | @serialport.close
78 | end
79 | end
80 | end
81 |
82 |
83 | #------------------------------------------
84 | status = HotColdRain.new("HotColdRain").start
85 |
86 |
87 |
88 |
89 |